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Managing Negative States in 15mins a Day!

Writer's picture: kylasorennekylasorenne

Updated: May 2, 2021

Over the past 10yrs as a mental health counsellor I've spoken to may clients about how to manage negative states of mind or mood. For instance I was talking to a client last month and he was listing some very negative states of mind and mood that he has been living with. I was genuinely concerned for his welfare and we began to discuss how he was managing these.

I was intrigued when he began to dismiss them as useless, or a waste of his time and potential. I really understood how it can feel as if depression, fatigue, brain fog or suicidal thoughts are wasting some of the best years of our lives. But on the other hand I was never able to come out of a depression by not acknowledging what it had to teach me.

I've often been surprised by how many people experience these negative states of mind and mood and deny their impact and keep on moving. (But it can be so challenging to look at our shadow side). How many of us are seeming to be 'well' and are 'covering' for a good part of the day or night. (This is so exhausting).

We learn that negative states are a pathway through the healing process. Just like the stages of grief their are stages of healing such as 1) Suffering or pain, 2) Awareness, 3) Action/ Confrontation, 4) Expression & 5) Acceptance

Here are some Signs of Emotional Healing 1) You can accept that you have experienced a difficult life situation and embrace it as a part of yourself. There is no need to deny this experience. - (We learn to listen when we are in pain, we learn to slow down and almost forced to be more mindful).

2) Ability to feel your emotions as a natural part of being human, as every feeling is a message that guides you towards self-awareness - (We learn we are stronger than we think we are, and also more fragile).

3) Things that used to scare you before begin to bother you less and less - (We learn that gentleness helps).

4) You find yourself mentally agile; you are able to adapt to new or changing situations without a stress reaction - (We learn that everything changes, even anger).

5) You creatively integrate the past experience into a new experience like making some big changes in your life re: relationships, career, home, travel, study etc - (We learn that we can be happy, and want happiness even if we have a mental health issue).

So here are 5 things to do if you are experiencing ongoing negative states of mind or mood...

1) Set up a home yoga practice area - Be aware if you move your yoga mat/yoga practice area to another area and begin practicing and then move it again and again, you won't be able to build up a strong vibration of purity in that area. So its best to choose an area and stick with it, even if its a little corner of your bedroom, that should be the only activity you do there. You can get creative and put up some pictures and make it your own. Set up a little clock timer for 15mins...

2) Choose 3 postures from our classes to do on your yoga mat in your yoga practice area. Do these 3 postures every day at approx. the same time. 'Exercise may also change levels of chemicals in your brain, such as serotonin, endorphins and stress hormones'. By continuing a positive activity over time increases its impact upon us. Be as consistent as you can, and forgive yourself when you are not. (I mean really forgive yourself and simply start again). Hold each posture for 2 mins, 6mins in total for all 3 postures.

3) Lay down on your back on your mat, place your hands on your lower ribs and feel the breath come in and out of the lungs. Then do Sama Vritti, even numbered breathing for a count of 4, then a count of 6 and if you are very relaxed try for a count of 8 on the inhale and the exhale. (3mins - 5mins)

4) Do Shitali Pranayama which is best done by curling the tongue and drinking in the inhaling breath with the tongue curled, then withdrawing the tongue and exhaling through the nostrils. If you can't curl the tongue simply purse the lips. Shitalli or Sheetali Pranyama is a wonderful practice for any fear based thinking like anxiety or psychosis, but also because it is a light breath it is incredibly affective on depression, anger and aggression. (3mins - 5mins)

Happy Easter and see you in class tomorrow Monday 10am -


1 Comment

Linda Greck
Linda Greck
Apr 04, 2021

A happy easter to you too. Thank you for this. It's a very handy guide for home practice. Sorry but I won't be able to make it to class tomorrow. I'm getting away from the city for the day to get some fresh air.

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