Juicing was something I fell in love with in my 20's and I've never been more serious about it's many benefits for mental health and general wellbeing issues like anxiety, depression, somatic pain, period cramping & pain, IBS, the gut-brain connection, arthritis, inflammation, the heart, certain cancers and the immune system. Which is why we are talking with Leanne Johnston (Natural Healer/Yoga Teacher) about The Mind-Gut Connection - Join the event here
So let me ask you a question, in terms of your mental health do you experience your symptoms as energy or sensations or states of being? I know from my own experience the answer is yes. I can experience my symptoms as sensations in the body. This is a wonderful first step. Become 'the witness' and watch the symptom within the framework of the body. This is one fantastic way to become less engaged with our mental health symptoms and become more mindful.
If you do practices which change those sensations or energies, or states into more loving, more gentle sensations, this brings about more peace more balance, more 'inner alignment'. I use Yoga and Mindfulness, and mantra to do this but I also highly recommend Juicing. It is one of those practices which can reinvigorate and rebalance essential energy and gives an incredible lift to mental wellbeing. (If you have anxiety & depression read on!)
From the WHO Top 10 Issues in Women's Health - No.6 Mental Health: 'Evidence suggests that women are more prone than men to experience anxiety, depression, and somatic complaints – physical symptoms that cannot be explained medically. Depression is the most common mental health problem for women and suicide a leading cause of death for women under 60. Helping sensitise women to mental health issues, and giving them the confidence to seek assistance, is vital.'
Here are some of the most common benefits of juicing; Less anxiety/Increase in general vitality/reduced physical pain/ reduced inflammation/reduced period pain/ reduced headaches/ decreased depression/better sleep/better intestinal experience from eating to eliminating/loss of weight/less triggers/ sustained energy throughout the day.
So I want to invite you to a 5 day Juice Journey with me from 2nd May - 7th May. If you have ever wondered about juicing, or you've always wanted start juicing but didn't want to do it alone, or didn't know how to start. Please join us.
The 5 day Juice Journey will include a juice recipe each day, information about juicers about, the recipes we make and how they impact your health and wellbeing. And a quick zoom on the final night to track your experience and this will show you how adding juice to your diet can really help you. Join here