'As you gain insight you begin to see patterns in your mental, emotional and physical behaviours and this is good awareness, but to draw conclusions is to forget that impermanence exists...'This is only part of your karma

To practice yoga daily is to remember that each time we step onto the mat we get to deepen our practice. Like groundhog day. Each day is considered a blessing because we may get the opportunity to practice more and more deeply, with more connection and more peace. If you are fortunate and get to practice yoga and mindfulness daily, life becomes very pleasant over time, we may soften as we age and enjoy the good life. And yet some old behaviours remain, some habits return during times of stress (like anxiety, depression, poor food habits, alcohol or drugs, PTSD, triggers and nightmares), and we wonder why do I keep doing the same thing....not realising I am doing the same thing in a different circumstance? This is part of your karma.
As you develop in your practice you begin to experience your own sensations. The ones that you are giving off to others. You may waver at the brink of this awareness not wanting to truly see how impactful our own energies really are. But being aware of our own vibrations and energy will tell you why people respond to you the way that they do. which is very helpful information. As you begin to become aware of your own energy, you feel that, and you can creatively respond to insight into your own vibrations. You can choose to play there and ensure the vibrations you are giving off are the ones that you intend. (some people turn this into an art form)

With mindfulness you begin to really see our basic nature and you may recoil, (we thought we were so much more than these reactions). You may find yourself feeling depressed about your progress or pushing for a deeper practice. I have for sure. But mindfulness needs to remain value free because impermanence is always present. Impermanence is such a. powerful teacher. Meaning you can always change (and this is proved by the theory of neuroplasticity) Because of neuro-plasticity we can change and adapt, and mould ourselves to our environment. It is a unique and natural phenomena.

Your relationship to yourself is manifested through these sensations/vibrations you feel in the body. And the vibe that you give to others who engage with you. These sensations or vibrations are attracting your karma to you. Like a record player, you put the needle in the groove and the music plays, your karma is like that. You put your awareness on the present moment and these beautiful vibrations begin to play, attracting your karma to you. You are singing a sweet tune and the universe is responding. There is alot of current interest in manipulating these vibrations, and perfecting what is called Manifesting, which has become a trending focus in todays spiritual communities. (Manifesting and attachment are so close together that you have to be very masterful not to imbalance and fall into the old attachments)
Sometimes our tune is not sweet, its sour, bitter, and rotting with anger. A part of me will say, 'give up this silly yoga practice, Its not helping you. Look you are suffering, so much for yoga and meditation!' So I might soften, I might step away, I might turn my back, I might curse my karma, but for some reason I always come back. It is my karma, and sometimes I fight it. I still do. But I always end up coming back because of the benefits of yoga and mediation in my life, which have been huge.
Vipassana teaches you to practice mindfulness and addithana - strong determination, by not moving for 1hr, or as long as you possibly can.This was excellent training. But I am more gentle these days, I think sit regularly, but move if you need, just move as slowly as you can. it works quite well.
One of the very best things I can say for good karma and has helped me enormously is volunteering. I think it is such a wonderful thing, so life enhancing and such good karma. May you love your karma.
Classes start at 6:30PM on Monday 6th Feb, 2023. Free and Online! Please sign up through Mindful Yoga on Meet-up.