I was talking with a student today and they asked me how did I keep up my practice during a mental health episode? And it is a question I have been asked before. And it really makes me think quite deeply about 'being unwell'.
Being unwell, (as I like to call it) you have to take care of yourself because one of the systems or sheaths of your mind/body is not functioning very well. But you also have to want to take care of yourself. You can be unwell, and not want to take care of yourself. That's hell! When you know what to do and yet have no will to do it, that's very hard. But when a moment comes along that you do want to take care of yourself, then make the most of that moment. If a moment of gratitude comes, make the most of that moment, pause, breathe it in, and practice being calm.
One of the symptoms of anxiety that I have had longest is insomnia. And believe me there have been many nights which were just awful. (The first night I didn't sleep throughout the night I was 14). For years, and I mean a decade or more I woke every night from 2am - 4am. And I would practice yoga. And I found it very helpful. I found that if I was feeling anxious it helped if I placed my hand on my belly and began to breathe low in my body. I found if I was very depressed that doing a few cat/cows with a slow breath helped with the heaviness.
I found that if I was in shock or traumatised that child's posture, legs up the wall with a heavy pillow on my chest helped. I found that doing some pranayama unhelpful during a period of being unwell. such as pausing the inhale when your heightened can make you feel like your choking. All these little things added up together to this tool kit of practices that work for me. So after getting a degree and working in the mental health sector I can support my work with the best mental health practices such a polyvagal theory, somatic experiencing and mindfulness.
I practice yoga when I am unwell, because it works. Sometimes it takes me a minute or two to tune up to the vibrations happening inside my body but as soon as I do, I feel better. If my classes help you tune up to the vibrations happening inside your body and help you build a loving communication with those vibrations then I am going to be super happy teacher. See you all on Saturday at 10am. If you are coming to class please:
* Sign up here - https://www.meetup.com/en-AU/kylamindfulyoga/
* Please wear loose comfortable clothing
*Please don't eat a full meal for at least 2hrs before class (fruit & nuts is okay)
*Please have a yoga mat, 2 blocks, 2 pillows, yoga strap and chair if needed
*Please let me know of any injuries or vulnerabilities with physical, mental, neurological.
